{Fresh prophetic revelation given to Evangelist Christian Uzoechi} 1:00am (GMT+1) October 14 2023 Suddenly, I saw innumerable crowd standing in front of God's judgement throne, and I saw Jesus Christ as the Judge, but He was covered with thick darkness so that the unbelievers and the unjust crowd standing before Him could not see Him. I saw things like televisions left and right the throne, these people were watching their earthly lives, the Book of Life was opened and their names were not found written in the Lamb's book of life, it was too late now, all their hopes were lost, they wasted their earthly lives. I asked the Lord to show me the lake of fire (note, the lake of fire is different from hellfire, the lake of fire is empty now, but at the end of all things, hell and death will be cast info the lake of fire which is the second death, see Revelation 20:14), immediately the Lord Jesus pointed His finger towards the lake of fire, and I saw terror, I saw something like a fan...